Details Part of my job is to help through the site all you woodworkers out there. We are a FREE site, not a big site and somewhat unique. I'm a retired woodworker, the bigdog is a woodworking master. I am also the sites 'Geek' webmaster and do not post many articles. The bigdog is the wordy one around here. In fact I think he bleeds saw dust. Anyway this is about three router tables. One of the reasons I created the new sections we have is because of all the people expressing not just here but around the net 'I can't find what I want' . I even wrote an article about it 'I give up where are all the free plans'. I even posted an email from a guy who said he spent all afternoon on google looking for a plan. OMG! So we are locating them and posting the links here. I also am testing and putting plugins on site for Sketchup. All by design to help you. We are also posting featured plans (ones we think are good and have named components) as they are one a FREE plan, two you can learn from them, and three get something built you need.
So what we have here is three router tables, 1 The no nonsense table by Popular Woodworking 2009, 2 A step up router table practicle and easy to build, 3 The Super Router Table as described by it's creator. Once again 3 plans in sketchup ALL created by WoodWorkers. Yes there is a theme here...Sketchup is easy to learn, FREE, and super for Woodworking.
All three of these plans have named components because they know a woodworker is going to download it. So your thinking why is it so important to name components. Well because your going to download and install then run the Cut List plugin. Theres nothing of value when they all come out named 'G'. Have you noticed that all the popular magazines now dedicate a lot of space to sketchup...why? It's in the best interest to provide what readers want. We're doing the same thing because a friend of mine hit the nail on the head when he said to me... Ya know woodworking is now 'Digital Woodworking'. Of course he's correct! He runs a fully digital cabinet shop where every piece of equipment they own is digital.
If you name your components what they are like, cleat, top, incra, front fence and so on the person who open the file can the run cutlist on the WOOD components and make a cut list. None of these three files are dimensioned but, can be taken apart and dimensions added (please on a NEW layer ie cleatTxt). So if you want to print a plan now you can. Why? Because they did it right when they made the file. This is Critical to woodworkers and not so much to other sketchup users. If your new to sketchup 'Please do it this way!' your fellow woodworkers will thank you. There are some other good reason's I will cover in another article. But trust me this is a super way to make files. These three files will help you see the value in doing this which is why I choose them.
The first is the No Nonsense Table it's a small file no frills no materials (all of this makes for a smaller file). They do this a lot in there files. Why? Lots of reasons, there publishers and editors and like me have little time. It's going to be an article and a download. Besides they know you're going to do what you want anyway... So if your a newbie and need a cheap easy to build router table your ship has come in.
The (always read the authors comments) download for this file is located HERE
The next one is a step up from the no nonsense in that I suspect he's a a router guy and needed a good table for projects and would rather design and build his own. He added only three dimensions. It's practical and will serve well...
The download for this one is located HERE
The next one is the Super Router Table from a (router fiend) this has every thing he wants in a table and it's on casters...
Xray Mode so you can see inside. Yup it's on the menu...
I know woodwokers pretty well and this guy put a lot of thought and work into his design. Incra and all... It probably took him longer to do in sketchup than it will take him to build it. When you download files you can also rate them and give comments to the creator. Do it as this guy worked hard and if you build his table you benefit too...tell'm so. Dust collection, push on/off switch, storage, what's not to love.
The download for this file is located HERE
It took me three hours to locate three files I could use here for this article. I added two of them to the woodworkers sketchup section. I hope you learn from these three files. Upload your pictures to the Braggers section of the forum for all to see. Make changes to the file alter the design, improvements, great upload it and or write an article and tell us all about it. These files are for registered users. Register Here & Vist Our Store
Questions please use the forum... Comments we're listening located below...
I tested 2 plugins today your going to love. One of them could net you some much needed cash! The utilities will be posted first then these two new ones. Also watch for LAYERS the right way meaning NAMES and dimesions on there own layers! It will convince you it's the best way for woodworking.
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