Start with sand paper. If it's stabilized burl you can use micro mesh, otherwise just sand to 600 grit. You can use a CA Pen finish if you're wanting an ultra glossy look.
Cyanacrylat finish This is how I apply my 20 thin coats of CA. It is a very quick method of applying a high gloss finish to the pen blanks. I use a paper towel to apply the finish. I have doe it so many times that I don't even use rubber gloves any more. The finish is hard and durable. The accelerator I am using is Mitre Fix. It is an aerosol accelerator that produces a fine mist as opposed to a pump action one which produces big water droplets. The purpose of the accelerator is to quickly set the CA. You don't have to use the accelerator but that will mean you will need to wait 30 - 60 seconds between coats
I have to admit I was a bit leery of doing the wet sanding at high RPM, but I opened it up (3800 RPM) and kept lots of water on the micromesh and a light touch. Polish out with Mothers Mag Polish and Maguires Plastic Polish. FANTASTIC. Like a sheet of glass.
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