Die gedruckten Teile des Liberators
Bild: Defense Distributed
Makerbot löscht 3D-Vorlagen für Waffenteile
Lizenz zur Waffenproduktion mit 3D-Druckern erteilt
Waffenherstellung mit 3D-Drucker
Das South by Southwest Festival in Austin, Texas hat seinen Themenbereich in den letzten Jahren erweitert. Ursprünglich nur auf Musik und Film ausgelegt, bietet das SXSW in diesem Jahr über einhundert Veranstaltungen zum Thema DIY. Dazu gehört auch der Themenbereich 3D-Druck. Ungewöhnlich ist, dass Cody Wilson für einen Vortrag zum Thema 'Gun Printing' eingeladen wurde. Wilson ist der Gründer der Gruppe Defense Distributed, die Informationen über die Nutzung von 3D-Druckern für die Waffenherstellung sammeln und verbreiten will.
Defense Distributed ist eine Nonprofit-Organisation, deren Ziel es ist, die Herstellung von Feuerwaffen mit 3D-Druckern für alle zugänglich zu machen. Eine Sammlung von entsprechenden 3D-Designs, die Dokumentation von Tests und die Suche nach der günstigsten Form des Drucks sind die Inhalte, die die Aktivisten verbreiten möchten. Zweck der Organisation soll es sein, herauszufinden „wie sich Regierungen verhalten, wenn sie davon ausgehen müssen, dass alle Bürger fast unmittelbaren Zugang zu einer Waffe […] haben“.
Seinen Vortrag auf dem SXSW hat Cody Wilson dafür genutzt, vorzuführen, welche Designs für Waffen schon vorhanden sind und zu kritisieren, dass sein Anliegen von anderen 3D-Druck-Anbietern nicht gutgeheißen wird. Die Annahme des Jura-Studenten ist, dass die Verwendung von 3D-Druckern für die Waffenherstellung unvermeidbar ist. Da, so Defense Distributed in seinem Blog, die Maker sich mit dem Thema nicht auseinandersetzten, würde seine Organisation dies tun. Das Magazin Wired hat ihn Ende des letzten Jahres auf Platz 14 seiner Liste der 15 gefährlichsten Menschen der Welt gesetzt. Die bisher rund 100 verfügbaren Waffen-Designs wurden seit Dezember 2012 circa 400.000 Mal herunter geladen. Defense Distributed hat sich um eine staatliche Lizenz für die Waffenherstellung beworben. (esk)
FP-45 Liberator | |
The FP-45/M1942 |
Type | single-shot pistol |
Place of origin | |
Service history | |
In service | 1942-1945 |
Used by | dropped into occupied territories for use by insurgents |
Wars | World War II |
Production history | |
Designer | George Hyde[1] |
Designed | May 1942[1] |
Manufacturer | Guide Lamp Corporation of General Motors Corporation[1] |
Unit cost | $2.10 (1942)[1] |
Produced | June 1942-August 1942[1] |
Number built | 1,000,000 |
Specifications | |
Weight | 1 lb. (454 g) |
Length | 5.55 in. (141 mm) |
Barrel length | 4 in. (102 mm) |
Cartridge | .45 ACP |
Action | single-shot |
Muzzle velocity | 820 ft/s (250 m/s) |
Effective range | 8yds |
Feed system | single shot |
Contents |
Project History
FP-45 Liberator on display in Les Invalides
The FP-45 was a crude, single-shot pistol designed to be cheaply and quickly mass produced. The Liberator had just 23 largely stamped and turned steel parts that were cheap and easy to manufacture. It fired a .45 caliber pistol cartridge from an unrifled barrel. Due to the unrifled barrel, it was intended for very close ambush (1-4 yds). Its maximum effective range was only about 25 feet (less than 8 m). At longer range, the bullet would begin to tumble and stray off course. Because of the low quality, it was nicknamed the "Woolworth gun."Wartime use
The Liberator was shipped in a cardboard box with 10 rounds of .45 ACP ammunition, a wooden dowel to remove the empty cartridge case, and an instruction sheet in comic strip form[3] showing how to load and fire the weapon. Extra rounds of ammunition could be stored in the pistol grip. The Liberator was a crude and clumsy weapon, never intended for front line service. It was originally intended as an insurgency weapon to be mass dropped behind enemy lines to resistance fighters in occupied territory. A resistance fighter was to recover the weapon, sneak up on an Axis occupier, kill or incapacitate him, and retrieve his weapons.The weapon was valued as much for its psychological warfare effect as its actual field performance. It was believed that if vast quantities of these weapons could be delivered into Axis-occupied territory, it would have a devastating effect on the morale of occupying troops. The plan was to drop the weapon in such great quantities that occupying forces could never capture or recover all the weapons. It was hoped that the thought of thousands of these unrecovered weapons potentially in the hands of the citizens of occupied countries would have a deleterious effect on enemy morale.[4]
General Eisenhower's staff never saw the practicality in mass dropping the Liberator over occupied Europe, and authorized distribution of fewer than 25,000 of the half million FP-45 pistols shipped to Great Britain for the French resistance. Generals Joseph Stillwell and Douglas MacArthur were similarly unenthusiastic about the other half of the pistols scheduled for shipment to the Pacific. The Army then turned 450,000 Liberators over to the OSS. Resistance fighters in both theatres were supplied with more effective weapons whenever possible, and French use of the FP-45 remains undocumented; although OSS distributed a few to Greek resistance forces in 1944. 100,000 FP-45 pistols were shipped to China in 1943, but the number actually distributed remains unknown. A few were distributed to Philippine troops under the Commonwealth Army and Constabulary and resistance fighters.[1]
Firearms collectors
The original delivered cost for the FP-45 was $2.40/unit[3] ($32 in 2010). A Liberator in good condition today can fetch approximately $1200, with the original box bringing an additional $500, with an original extremely rare paper instruction sheet the value could exceed $2000 to a collector of rare World War II militaria. Fakes of these sheets exist, but authentic copies have a watermark that can be seen clearly, which is difficult to duplicate.The Concept Revived
The Liberator was replaced with the Deer gun in 1964 when a modernized equivalent was designed for possible use in Vietnam.[3] This was because the CIA needed a weapon of this type, and most Liberators were scrapped after World War II. The Deer Gun was chambered for 9x19mm Parabellum and was loaded by unscrewing the barrel and inserting a round to fire.
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